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Post-Brexit – impact on postgraduate education

Post-Brexit – impact on postgraduate education

Almost a year after the referendum, which resulted into UK leaving the EU, the consequences for EU citizens, studying or attending to apply at British universities are uncertain. The actual new regulations, caused by the Brexit will eventually take effect by the end of March 2019. Students, finishing their education until this date, should not worry – tuition fees won’t be changed. But what will happen later?

The main concerns for the student mobility are the higher costs and the visa requirements. Applications from EU students for places at UK universities have dropped by more than 7% reports “The Guardian” after the application deadlines in January. This is a definitive sign that Brexit has an essential influence on the higher education landscape, even before it is accomplished and the new regulations are introduced.

New tuition fees at universities in the UK?

At present, there are different study costs for EU and non-EU students. EU citizens are treated as domestic ones - they pay less than non-EU and they are eligible for loans and funding.


The British government has announced that these conditions won’t change for the courses starting in 2017/2018. Information about the tuition fees at universities in Britain for the next couple of years is still not available. According to media and experts, though, it is highly possible that the costs for EU students will be increased after 2020. The same information applies for the higher education in Wales.


Although, there are positive news for applicants, interested in studying in Scotland – students, enrolled in 2018/2019 will still study for free at public universities. By now, the Scottish government, or to be more precise - the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS), covers all study costs for EU citizens. It was expected that after these news were revealed, London would proclaim that there won’t be changes in Britain for this year as well, but this was not the case.


A common opinion is that a special agreement between UK and the Union will be proclaimed, which will ensure minimal changes for the international students from the EU countries in the United Kingdom. However, these are just assumptions and the future remains unclear.

Student visa for EU citizens?

While there is at least some certain information about the tuitions fees (for the next academic year), the visa question after the Brexit vote is widely open. If EU citizens aren't observed as domestic ones after 2019, a new visa regulation might apply. Thus, this could also affect the student job opportunities in the UK. Numerous sources comment on the impact of the student visas on the UK higher education institutions, the fear of "brain drain", caused by the leave of academicals and the effect on the student exchange programmes. Many important academic figures at prestigious British universities, like Oxford and Cambrige stand behind the free academic movement with the EU countries.


The truth is, that no official decision was announced, regarding this topic. Important new agreements and regulations are going to be discussed and declared during the years 2017 and 2018. The MASTER AND MORE team is going to inform you further about the effects of the Brexit vote on the higher education.  

Should I apply for Masters in the UK?

Surely, the Brexit vote has led to insecurity and some applicants reconsider their wish to study in the UK because of the possible future changes. But there is something very crucial, which wouldn't change in the near future - the high quality of the British education. Besides that the optimistic forecasts say that the British government will find a good solution for the international academic environment in the UK. 

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