Insurance abroad
What kind of insurance do you need for studying abroad?

Insurance abroad

Preparing for a stay abroad always involves a lot of planning and to do´s. Vaccinations, visa applications, searching for funding sources, and so on and so forth. Young people often tend to forget about insurance, since mom and dad used to take care of it so far. However, going abroad requires additional security in the form of insurance coverage. For instance, if you get injured during your trip, you might need a return transport, which can lead to horrendous costs.

Health insurance

Depending on where you want to go, additional health insurance is necessary. In case you are a European citizen and would like to start studying in another European country, you should approach your health insurance company at home to clarify what you need. In most cases, you only need to complete an additional form to receive a European health insurance card. Studying abroad outside of Europe, however, requires a bit more effort on your side. There are numerous private health insurance providers offering a diverse range of insurance policies. It is very important to check which treatments and/or which amount of money is covered by the insurance plan. Besides, you might want to check whether a return transport is included and how it is going to be conducted. Another point: the length of the insurance policy. If you are going abroad for only one semester, it is not necessary to arrange insurance for a whole year. With some providers you can get insurance coverage on a monthly or even daily basis instead of a whole year.

What else?

Besides health insurance, further types of insurance might be worth taking out. For instance, an accident insurance plan can cover the costs in case of a long-term illness caused by an accident. Moreover, if you cause damage to someone´s personal belongings, you will have to recompense that person for their loss or damage. In this case, a liability insurance plan would cover the costs. Or do you plan to buy a car in the country where you study? Then be sure to buy car insurance as well. You see, a wide range of insurance policies is available. Take a moment and think about what you need.

Time-consuming but necessary

Learning about insurance options requires a lot of time and involves paperwork. Nevertheless, it is a crucial issue to deal with, and you will be better able to enjoy your stay abroad knowing you are protected.

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