go to a list of Masters programmes in Maritime Law
Maritime Law, also known as Admiralty Law, combines both questions of domestic and private international law: Those participating in maritime activities are mostly private entities that participate in international business. But they operate within domestic (coastal) waters and administer their business within a given national framework.
The Master of Maritime Law addresses both legal fields. The course content encompasses topics such as marine commerce, navigation, and shipping, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, resources and mineral rights as well as the domestic jurisdiction over national coastal waters.
The Master of Maritime Law is offered both as a taught- and research-degree programme. The former takes one year, the latter an average of two years.This particular Masters degree is offered only by a selection of universities; nevertheless is it available for study all over the globe.
Thus, your career prospects are positive. Experts in Maritime Law are sought for in many branches of economy.
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