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If you have already completed a Bachelors degree in Performing Arts or a similar course, this programme is your right choice. Performing Arts not only teaches you further on your performing skills, it educates you about the interpretation of contemporary plays and the reinterpretation of classic theatre.
The Master of Performing Arts is a programme that welcomes those with little dancing experiences or difficult physiques, too. The course structure is conceptualised to integrate anyone that qualifies for the programme early on. Thus, the two-year duration is divided into an introductory phase and the professionalisation of skills.
Most universities support your favorite genres by giving you the chance to specialise in it. Ballet, tap dance, jazz, improvisation, speech and singing, choreography, and vocals are examples for a typical Performing Arts curriculum.
The Master of Performing Arts usually takes two years to complete. Your career prospects following your study lie in the performing branch (theatres, musical theatres, troups of actors, dancing establishments) or in the field of teaching. Some universities demand to concentrate on individual seminars in pedagogy and teaching in order to successfully pursue the latter career paths.
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