We have gathered some of the most important questions you need to ask yourself before enrolling.
The accreditation guarantees the quality of the MBA programme and there are three institutions that do it: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and The Association of MBAs (AMBA). Worldwide there are 14 000 business schools and the programmes of only 1% of them have the higher accreditation – from all three institutions. Тhese MBAs are highly recognized and allow their graduates to work everywhere around the world.
Answering these questions will help you estimate if these are the people that will help you advance in your career development. Furthermore, you should consider if this is the group that you want to belong to.
The contacts that you gather during your studies are adding a great value which cannot be measured by money; they are more beneficial than anything because it might boost your future career in a way you never imagined.
You need to figure out which are the companies and institutions that you will be able to contact after graduating. This will widen your career options and future opportunities. The universities/business schools provide their graduating students with the opportunity to have a direct contact with certain companies. A career advisory center increases the chances to find a better job after your graduation.
During your studies it is very possible, that you will face difficulties or you will need advising on a certain matter - mentors could help you overcome them. Their experience and expertise is something that might save you the headache and the worry.
Especially if you are currently working, flexibility is one of the most important criteria. Choosing additional modules can help you customize the programme to your specific needs and future plans.
One of the important aspects of each MBA is its possibilities for financing and flexibility. The most prestigious ones cost a lot and are a serious investment, not only of your time and effort but of money as well. It is advisable to examine all the options and possibilities.
There are 3 most common options for financing:
Besides these, the universities/business schools offer special additional financing options such as:
Answering this question will help you define your budget and possibilities. For more information you can also check our tips on the topic of financing.
Try to find the most accurate answers to the questions and to analyze all your desired MBA programmes and universities/business schools. Always have in mind which one would guarantee you a better career.
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