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Study abroad - the old new trend in the education

Study abroad - the old new trend in the education

Tip: Visit the Masters Study Fair in your city to find your Masters course abroad (and not only...)!


For a whole degree or just for a semester/year - nowadays almost every student wants to experience a foreign country. Why it becomes such a trend?

It is not difficult anymore

The recognition of notes and degrees in the EU is no more a problem thanks to the Bologna process, which had its resolution as a main goal. So now if you have graduated a Bachelor in Poland, your degree is recognized in Germany and you can apply (if you meet the rest of the requirements) for a Masters there. The same is with notes in the context of the Erasmus placements. When you go for one semester to Italy, you can take your exams there and your Italian grades will be recognized at your home university in Poland.


Transportation is getting easier every day. There are plenty of low-cost offers to fly within Europe and even overseas. Going home for Christmas or vacation is affordable. Whoever prefers to travel on the ground can take advantage of some traveling opportunities, which developed in the last five to fifteen years (depending on the country) such as carpooling etc. And of course, the traditional busses and trains always remain as a good solution.


Social media makes it all easier as well - from transportation through study information to renting or letting a room. You can find or share information in Facebook groups or connect to other students via diverse other channels like Twitter and Instagram. And when you are new in the city, you can quickly get in touch with others in your situation instead of getting depressed and wondering how to make new friends.

Costs are affordable for students

Many things are meant to be for students. In every city or town there are cafes, bars and other student places with affordable prices. There are also many offers for student trips, tickets for the public transportation, associations who offer bike or furniture renting, as well as sports and other activities on reduced rates. Furthermore, with a student’s card you get discounts at thousands of museums, national parks, zoos and other entertainment places with entrance fees.

Become more independent abroad

More or less, at home (even if you don't live with your parents anymore) your life is all set. You know everything - how to get everywhere, where and what to buy and etc. and usually you have the support of family and friends. It is a well-known atmosphere and culture. When you go abroad you will probably be more on your own - at least at the beginning. You will learn better how to take care of yourself. Some situations might appear, when you will need to handle a problem with your own capacities. And this is definitely a good and useful experience, which will make you more independent and proud of yourself.

International environment and improving foreign language skills

No doubts that this is the best part of the game. Getting to know new cultures and people will develop you as a character and you will have the chance to deepen your knowledge on the world. Not to mention the fact, that your new friends from different nationalities will invite you to visit them afterwards and you will have contacts at so many different places. Living in an international environment is also the best school for learning and improving your language skills. And there is no need to say how much they will help you for your future career.

Advantage in your CV

Yes, in the eyes of your future employer, your longer stay abroad is a proof for your good command of a foreign language. And the fact that you have studied internationally means that you dare to face new challenges, that you are innovative and open to new cultures and people. This experience is seen as an advantage from companies and they likely to hire someone who has graduated or spend a semester/year at a foreign university.


If you have missed the opportunity to go for study abroad during your Bachelors, you have the perfect chance to catch up and find a Masters in a foreign country. If you haven't though, you know how much fun is it and you will repeat this experience. To find the perfect Masters degree, meet in person with representatives of some great universities and find out more about funding your degree, visit Masters Study Fair. Take your chance to register now online!

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