Time Management Tips
Time Management is one of the most important skills you must learn, if you strive for a high performance.

Time Management Tips

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of books to read and projects to complete? Time management is a skill no one teaches you in school or university, but one that is very important in all aspects of life. Days just fly by, leaving you with a feeling of not having accomplished anything worthwhile. 

Effective time management is one of the best methods to decrease a student’s stress level.  The upcoming will assist you in meeting project deadlines and preparing for exams, but most importantly they will teach you how to reclaim your personal – balanced – life.

Create a study habit

  • Develop and plan blocks of study time (45mins).
  • Study at similar times each day so it becomes a habit.
  • Study in a dedicated environment, which is free from distractions.
  • Schedule weekly reviews.

Using a calendar is the easiest and most effective way to create a good study habit. Schedule when you plan to study, when you are going to sleep and even when you do the laundry. It is as easy as that!

Define priorities

  • Begin with the most difficult task or project.
  • Determine your priorities by the degree of importance and irrelevance.

Setting priorities is the key tool in your time management toolbox. First things first: You want to complete the most difficult tasks first, the most energy at your disposal. Then, you need to identify your top priorities as well as the amount of time you need to invest in them. To fulfill a minuscule task that takes all day to complete is at any time a manager’s faux-pas.

Follow your plan

  • Have the ability to say “no”.
  • Focus on the goals you have set and remember your top priorities.
  • Overcome procrastination.

Stick to the plan! To follow your plan strictly is even more difficult than planning itself. You need to have the ability to say “no” to partying, hanging out with friends, or even doing shores, when the plan does not include them.  

Procrastination is another hurdle you need to overcome. Stick to your schedule and keep your stress-level to a minimum by starting early and avoiding a hectic finish. You should always remember your top priorities and the goals you want to achieve later in life.

Allow flexibility

  • Change your schedule every week.
  • Plan for the unexpected.

To plan your study does not mean to stick to your schedule rigidly. Allow for flexibility and alternation. Vary your schedule by changing your routines. Call your parents at different times of the week; go out for coffee at different times of the day.

Another important aspect is to plan for unexpected eventualities. What happens if you catch a flu? Expect the unexpected and make time for it in advance.

Free time

  • Schedule time to relax.
  • Use your free time wisely.

Never forget to include time to relax in your schedule. After all, it is what we all look most forward to. Have short breaks during your study blocks and take time off during the day for rejuvenation. There is nothing worse than an eight-hour study session in one place. 

Use your free time to do things you really enjoy! Exercise, go shopping or hang out with friends. Regularly, you need to forget about college. A mandatory for success is to keep your motivation high.

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