7 reasons why you should consider a Masters degree
7 reasons why you should consider a Masters degree
#studychoice #howtochoose

7 reasons why you should choose a Masters degree

What is next after you graduate with your Bachelor? Trying to find a good job and start working right away, or maybe to continue studying a Masters and seek for a better career afterwards? It sure sounds tempting to start working right away taking into account all the hard work you have put into graduating with your Bachelor. Additionally, you probably don’t want to hear about exams at all anymore. But, is this the right decision, and what are you missing if you don’t study a Masters?

We have made our research and we are presenting to you just 7 reasons why you should study a Masters degree.

1. Master your knowledge

You will be able to extend your knowledge on the subject you have chosen as your Bachelor. You will be able to learn more about the subjects that you love. More knowledge means that you will become a better expert in this field and you will have an advantage. If you pursue a research Masters you will be able to work on a research independently and develop your thoughts and ideas in the field that deeply interests you. In your research you will earn real–world experience that will improve your CV and career prospects. 

During your Masters studies you will learn more about the actual subject and the learning materials will be less general in comparison to your undergraduate study. You will be able to choose a certain narrower pathway where you will develop. For example, if you graduated in Biology with your Bachelor degree, you can extend your knowledge with a Masters in Botany, Zoology, Marine Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, etc.

2. Make great connections that will help you in the future

During your Bachelor you also meet a lot of different people and you build connections that will last a lifetime, so what is the difference during a Masters? First, your mindset is different, just as the mindset of your fellow Masters students – since you chose to continue with a Masters, you are all thinking about better careers and becoming better specialists. One of the greatest things to have while you start working or looking for a good job is to know such people and have a good network. During your Masters you will have the best opportunity to create such a network and to learn how to create one.

Moreover, during your Masters you will also get to know faculty members, guest lecturers, business experts – who can actually offer you a job. Isn’t that amazing?

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3. Earn more money with a Masters

Studying a Masters costs money (of course if you cannot take advantage of some financing opportunities), so you might ask yourself “Is this a good investment?”. Actually it turns out to be one of the best investments in life. 

Recently there was a research in the UK comparing the average yearly salary of people with a Bachelor degree to people with a Masters degree. The results are that postgraduates earn 16% more than the undergraduates. In the United States the difference is even bigger – postgraduates earn 25% more! Every country is different, but the conclusion is clear: you earn more with a Masters degree.

They also found out that a Masters degree increases your chances of finding a high-skilled job: 78% of postgraduates find such a job in less than 6 months, whereas only 66% of undergraduates do.

4. A Masters degree enhances your personal development

Postgraduate courses are more autonomous. Thus, Masters students have to put more personal effort in the learning process and engage on their own. This will develop new personal and professional skills, like independence, self-motivation, time management and more. Your meetings with other fellow students from different countries and different ages will help you developing your social skills and confidence in communication. If you choose to study your Masters abroad, you will be put in a different country and culture – this is a way to learn some completely new life skills, that will help further in your career and life.

5. Switch your area or careers with a Masters 

 If you are looking for something new, something more challenging, or something with better financial potential – you might need to change your field. One of the proven ways to do that is starting with a different and new Masters programme. Many Masters programmes are eligible for students with different Bachelor background. So all you need to do is doing your research and finding the most suitable Masters programme.

6. Accelerate your career growth with a Masters

You managed to land a good position with your Bachelor degree, but your opportunities for advancement in the company or industry are limited due to the lack of further knowledge. A Masters degree in your field will be a real career boost – it will help you applying for advanced positions, receiving a raise in salary and making you a more valuable asset for your company. In addition, it will improve your job security. You will already have the upper hand when compared to other fellow colleagues with less knowledge and a Bachelor degree.

7. Be part of the best team

You will be surrounded by professors and fellow Masters students, who are highly motivated to achieve their goals. They will guide and provide you with excellent study materials and the latest technologies used within your field. It is very common to attend lectures or exercises lead by guest experts who have already proven themselves in the academic circles or in the business environment.

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